Arabic Translation
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Arabic is one of the most important languages in the modern world. The language includes many dialects, known as “Spoken Arabic”, which vary from country to country, such as Syrian Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Iraqi Arabic, and more – which serve as the official languages of many countries in the Arabic world. The variation between the different dialects of a spoken language is bridged over by literary Arabic, which is uniform throughout the entire Arabic world, and allows communication in any Arabic-speaking location. Literary Arabic is, of course, the language of the holy book of Islam – the Koran.
The Arabic language is very similar to the Hebrew language. Firstly, Arabic is a Semitic language, just like Hebrew. In syntactical terms, Arabic is also very similar to Hebrew, since they both have a subject-verb-object sentence structure. Furthermore, Arabic, similarly to Hebrew, is also written from right to left.
In addition to its definition as an official language in Israel, Arabic is defined as an official language also in the United Nations, and therefore, the translation of documents and materials from Hebrew into Arabic is highly important.
How many people speak Arabic as their mother tongue? Current statistics indicate that approximately 235 million people around the world speak Arabic as their mother tongue. Arabic is the fourth most spoken language in the world after Chinese, which is spoken by approximately 1.1 billion people; English, which is spoken by approximately 600 million people; and Spanish, which is spoken by approximately 350 million people. In addition to the status of Arabic as the primary language in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iraq and Lebanon, many countries today – such as the United States, Canada, Australia, and various Latin American, European states – also have a minority of Muslim or Christian Arabs, many of whom still use their native language. This is, of course, in addition to the large number of Arabic speakers in and around Israel.
Arabic translation requires a professional, experienced translator, since Arabic a very colorful language, and every expression has its own unique meaning, which must be thoroughly understood in order to ensure the quality and authenticity of the translation, and to convey the message as it was originally written.
What information must be conveyed in an Arabic translation?
When translating into Arabic, it is important to decide the dialect of Arabic into which the translation should be performed. If the text is intended for the press, then literary Arabic should be used, but if it is intended for the Arabic population of a certain country, then the text should be adapted to a particular dialect of Arabic, such as Palestinian Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, Bedouin Arabic, etc.
Globus Translations has an extensive team of experienced and professional translators from all over the world, who have been carefully selected in order to allow us to provide the best possible translation service to our customers. This is based on the understanding that Arabic translation is more than just converting text from one language to another, and on an understanding of the importance of the context and content of the material. Globus Translations makes sure to assign the very best translators to each translation project, in order to ensure consistency and uniformity, and to provide an Arabic translation that is faithful to the source document.
In Arabic translation, as with any other language, it is very important to remember that simply being bilingual does not make one a translator. Arabic translation is a more complex process than simply converting from one language to another, and requires an in-depth understanding of the language, customs and culture of the target audience. A professional translator translating from Hebrew into Arabic must be highly aware of the grammatical differences between the languages, and of the characteristics of each language, and must have experience and expertise in the art of translation, which allow him or her to produce a result which flows naturally and is easily understood.
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